FACT: If the Holy Bible is true, what it predicts will occur. And, the God of the book will do what it says He will do for those who serve Him. Otherwise, the Holy Bible is the biggest lie ever perpetrated on humanity.

View a high-spirited testimony by Bishop Philip R. Jackson, whom I have known for decades. He is the pastor of Greater Seth Temple Sanctuary Of Praise in Farmington Hills, Michigan. He is testifying of how God performed an extraordinary miracle for him. [Whereas he is in a convention setting and under time constraints, a book is forthcoming that chronologizes the testimony.]

You will witness the phenomenon of “speaking in tongues.” DO NOT joke about it or mock it, given God’s obvious intervention for him. [The subject is covered in the book, CHAPTER 9.]

Bishop Jackson is just one example of knowing the God of the Holy Bible experientially. CHAPTER 1 of the book  references 1 Corinthians 1:27, which denotes his experience: “But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty.” 

Bishop Jackson is an inarguable reality of the reference. Namely, given his inability to read, God’s intervention enabled him to surpass college graduates and score 100% on the test. Then, in the course of time, God strategically connected Jackson with the dean of the university, who ensured his enrollment. The paradox is that whereas Jackson failed the entrance exam, his grade average was miraculously not less than 3.0.

As God did for Bishop Jackson, He will perform miraculous feats for anyone who serves Him faithfully: confesses any wrongdoings, asks for forgiveness, and continues to be dedicated to Him, as the Holy Bible teaches. Note 2 Chronicles 16:9: “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” Hence, He is the REAL God Who does REAL things for people who are REAL with Him.